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Important Abbreviation

★• ASEAN : Association of South East Asian Nations ★• AID : Agency for International and development ★• APE : Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation ★• ACARM : Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Record’s a Manager ★• AUCCTU : All Union Central Council for Trade Union ★• AI: Amnesty International ★• BENELUX : Belgium, Netherland and Luxemburg Economic Union ★• CIRDAP : Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific ★• CBI : Central Bureau of Investigation ★• CHEC : Commonwealth Human Economic Council ★• CENTO : Central Treaty Organization ★• CARE : Co-operation for American Relief Everywhere ★• COMESA : Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa ★• CTBT : Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty ★• ESCAP : Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific ★• ECOSOC: Economic and Social Council ★• ESRO : European Space Research Organization ★• EDP : Electronic data Processing ★• ESCAP : Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific ★• FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization ★• FRS : Fellow of the Royal Society ★• GATT : General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ★• GDP : Gross Domestic Product ★• HIV : Human Immune Deficiency Virus ★• IPO : Initial Public Offering ★• UPO : United Planning Organization ★• IPU : Inter Parliamentary Union ★• IAEA : International Atomic Energy Agency ★• ICAO : International Civil Aviation Organization ★• IPCC : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ★• IOP : International Olympic Committee ★• NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization ★• UNDP : United Nations Development Programme ★• UNESCO : United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural organization ★• UNICEF : United Nations International Children Emergency Fund ★• UNFPA : United Nations Fund for Population Activities ★• UNEP : United Nations Environment Programme

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